How Can Purchase A 3rd Party Insurance Before Riding Motorbikes In Vietnam?

Foreigners can possess third-party insurance for riding motorbikes in Vietnam by purchasing a policy from a reputable insurance company in the country. Third-party insurance, also known as liability insurance, covers any damages or injuries caused to third parties (other people or property) in the event of an accident. It is a legal requirement for motorbike riders in Vietnam, including foreigners.

As of my last update in September 2021, the conditions for foreigners to possess third-party insurance while riding motorbikes in Vietnam are as follows: 

1. Valid Vietnamese Driving License:

Foreigners must possess a valid Vietnamese Driving License which can be obtained by participating a local driving contest in Vietnam as many of other Vietnamese people are doing. If you need to take the driving test, you must register at a licensed driving school. The test usually consists of a theoretical and practical component. The theoretical part includes a written exam on Vietnamese road laws, signs, and regulations. The practical test evaluates your driving skills, adherence to traffic rules, and ability to handle common road situations.

Otherwise you can do with another simpler way by converting your local licenses into equivalent Vietnamese Driving Licenses but this way is just doable for those who are diplomats, high-skill engineers & experts who have a long stay in Vietnam. 

Vietnam Motorbike License 1024x683 - How Can Purchase A 3rd Party Insurance Before Riding Motorbikes In Vietnam?
Vietnam Motorbike License

2. Valid Visa or Residence Card:

Foreigners must have a valid visa or a temporary or permanent residence card in Vietnam. Tourists with a visa duration of fewer than three months may not be eligible for local driving licenses or insurance.

3. Motorbike Ownership:

To get third-party insurance, the motorbike being ridden must be registered in the foreigner’s name or have the owner’s permission to ride it. Proof of ownership, such as the vehicle registration certificate, may be required. 

4. Choose an Insurance Provider:

Research and choose a reliable insurance company in Vietnam that offers third-party insurance for motorbikes. Look for well-established companies with a good reputation and a track record of providing quality insurance services.

Visit the Insurance Office: Visit the local office of the insurance company you have chosen. Many insurance companies have branches in major cities and tourist areas. 

Motorcycle Insurance - How Can Purchase A 3rd Party Insurance Before Riding Motorbikes In Vietnam?
motorcycle insurance

5. Pay the Premium:

Pay the insurance premium, which is the cost of the insurance policy. The premium amount will depend on factors such as the type of motorbike, its engine capacity, and the coverage period.

Receive Insurance Certificate: Once the payment is made, the insurance company will issue an insurance certificate that serves as proof of coverage. Keep this certificate with you at all times while riding the motorbike.

6. Renewal:

Third-party insurance policies typically have a validity period, usually one year. Ensure that you renew your insurance before the expiration date to maintain continuous coverage. 

It’s essential to possess valid third-party insurance while riding a motorbike in Vietnam. Not only does it fulfill a legal requirement, but it also provides financial protection in case of any unfortunate accidents involving third parties. Riding with insurance coverage provides peace of mind and ensures responsible and safe motorbike riding in the country.

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